Policing Functions Research Paper

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Policing Functions Paper Name Class Date Professor Policing Functions Paper The law enforcement officer plays an extremely important role in society by ensuring that functions in society run smoothly and criminal offenders that cause disruptions through committing what has been deemed a crime are apprehended and made to pay for their offenses. One function of the police officer is to provide security form members of the community and investigate crimes that occur while another is to develop processes or programs in society that will aid in preventing crime and ensure the safety of members of the community through effective and proactive responses to crime problems. The police officers role is to prevent and control conduct widely recognized as threatening to life and property and aid individuals who are in danger of physical harm (Stevens, 2005). Law enforcement responds to crime incidents as well as accidents and other public safety incidents that occur in society. They provide aid to members of the community in need and identify potential crime problems in society as well as establishing relationships and bonds with community members to ensure their cooperation in crime situations and to develop joint solutions to potential crime issues.…show more content…
In a new technological age the functions of the police officer are continually changing and evolving as new technology emerges. In the future new technology will continue to evolve which will only increase the number of cyber-crimes and cyber-criminals in society which will require the police functions, roles, and responsibilities of the police officer adapts. Police officers will also be provided with new technological capabilities that will improve and simplify their abilities to identify and arrest criminal offenders but in order to be successful in adapting to new technological

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