Popular Culture Of The 1920s Essay

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Shebrae Dixon 3/11/13 U.S History Mr. Baker The 1920s were a time of massive change in the United States The 1920’s also known as the “Roaming Life of the 1920s”. The 1920s brought good changes to Americans in the United States. New forms of entertainment were introduced. Attitudes and fashion for women evolved. The Harlem renaissance was formed. Mass media movies and sports played important roles in creating the popular culture of the 1920s. New forms of entertainment were introduced. Newspapers and Magazines began mass- circulating and flourished in the 1920s. The radio industry changed forever, not only could people listen to important messages and speeches, people could now tune in for news, entertainment, and advertisements. Media now began to glorify sports heroes. Athletes set new records inspiring ordinary Americans. Women pursued new lifestyles…show more content…
African Americans set new goals for themselves as they moved north to the nation’s cities. The Harlem renaissance was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African- American culture. Literature was important well-educated blacks used their writing to express and portray heritage, and described daily lives of being black in a white world. Talent just didn’t lie within the writing region it expanded to form to performing and the most popular style of music; jazz. The 1920s brought good and bad changes to Americans in the United States. Traditional and modern ideas collided with this this new life the twenties brought. The Harlem renaissance flourished. Changing attitudes toward women allowed the greater freedom. Writers explored new topics and depicted their lives in their pieces. Overall the roaring life of the twenties , helps us trace roots to popular cultures in today’s life. Workplace opportunities and trends in family life are still major accomplishments

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