Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders In The Military

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Service members who have come home and served their country time and again sometimes come home with some type of disorder. In a lot of these cases, service members come home and suffer from Post-traumatic stress disorder and for many years it can be undiagnosed. Even though post-traumatic stress disorder is prevalent in today’s military it needs to be said that this disorder is always evolving and can lead to other types of mental disorders such as substance abuse. The biggest problem with members who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder is the fact that they can sit there and go many years and be undiagnosed. There are many reasons for this, but the most common reason is because service members are not going to seek the help they need. In the journal, “A Preliminary Investigation Of The New and Revised…show more content…
s of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder” the author states, “the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder have always been changing since it was first introduced in the 1980’s.” (Erbes) That is a span

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