Primary Cause Of The Romeo And Juliet Tradegy

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Chiara Coffman Gustafson AP Language Selfish Parents “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”-Oscar Wilde. In the play Romeo and Juliet two youths fall in love and attempt to conquer a hate generations old between their two families. Though the result of their unapproved love ends in the two tragic suicides of Romeo and Juliet. The parents of Romeo and Juliet are selfish and jaded by their own hate for each other. They put their own interests before the good of their children and wanted their children to live as they did becoming the primary cause of the tragedy Romeo and Juliet. The love of Romeo and Juliet hit Verona like a title wave, but it somehow missed Montague and Capulet. “O’ Thursday tell her, /she shall be married to this noble earl.”(3.5.22-23). This is said when Capulet makes the decision for Juliet that she shall be wed to Paris. They completely overlook the fact that Juliet wants none other as a husband but Romeo. Instead, they choose to look as Romeo’s banishment as a good thing because now their daughter isn’t wed to a Montague. This decision that is made for Juliet sets her in panic. She then rushes to get out of the fate her father has just promised her. This is when the poor decision of faking her death is made. If Capulet stayed in his place and let his daughter choose her husband she wouldn’t have felt such panic and pressure to escape from Paris and would never feel the need to fake her death. Capulet and Montague hate each other to the core. They cannot put their differences beside them and just shake hands. When they see that their young teen is getting involved with the enemy they feel the need to intervene. Capulet then tells Juliet what he feels is best for her. He disapproves in her choice for Romeo is a husband. He thinks she is young and dumb so he must make the
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