Principles of Safeguarding and Protection

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Unit 10 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care. Outcome 1 1.1 / 1.2 Define the following types of abuse and identify and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse. Physical abuse can include: • hitting • punching • slapping • pinching • kicking • burning • misuse of medication • force feeding • catheterisation for convenience of staff • refusing toilet facilities • leaving people in wed/soiled bedding or clothing. Physical abuse is deliberate force being used and can result in bodily injury, impairment or pain. It can happen to anybody young or old and there are many indicators/signs of when physical abuse is taking place however, the list below is only an indicator not a definite that abuse is happening. Possible indicators include: • bruising – in well protected or covered areas such as inner arms, thighs. • Fractures, sprains or dislocations. • Explanations which are not consistent with the injury • A history of minor injuries or falls. • Cigarette burns • Pressure sores/ulcers from wet bedding or clothing. Any change in behaviour could be a possible indicator of any type of abuse but it is only an indicator and it needs to be linked to other factors such as physical evidence for anyone complete the full picture and see abuse. Sexual abuse can include: • rape and sexual assault • masturbation • sexual harassment • indecent exposure • penetration or attempted penetration of any intimate area. • Involving vulnerable people in pornography • Making people participate in sexual activity who have not consented or do not have the capacity to consent. Sexual abuse happens to both adults and children. Children are unable to consent to any type of sexual activity and are therefore vulnerable. Some adults are also unable to consent to sexual activity due to the lack of capacity to understand the full meaning of sexual activity. Although some
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