Problems with Investigating Truancy in Sociology

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Sociology - Research Assess the strengths and limitations of questionnaires as means of investigation when investigating truancy. (20 marks) There are a number of practical issues when investing truancy, such as distribution. The sociologist would have to make sure that the sample they are giving the questionnaires is representative of the demographic, however there is the advantage of the cheap cost of making and distributing questionnaires. As the study is on truancy, there’s the obvious problem that those who you want to study are truant at the time of the study, so no valuable data will be collected in the process. Moreover, students have a strict time table in which they have to follow, and permission would have to be acquired before they can conduct the questionnaires. Although, you have to ensure you promise confidentiality when doing a study such as truancy. However, if you promise the recipient anonymity, you can be sure that they’ll be more honest and open about their answer. This would increase validity, and make the data collated more useful for the sociologist. Although it wouldn’t be helpful to the school as they wouldn’t be able to see from that data who the truant students are. Another limitation is that you are dealing with a vulnerable group, therefor consent will have to be received from either the administration or from the school office. This would limit the amount of subjects you can study, and the quantity of data collected. So reliability would ultimately be affected. Furthermore, students have classes to take part it, so it would affect the participants in that they are spending time answering a questionnaire a posed to actually doing classwork. The theoretical strengths of using questionnaires for such a study is that it can be repeated throughout a number of schools easily, and a lot of research can be gathered. Therefor the study can
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