Project Schedule Accuracy & Control Memo

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Project Schedule Accuracy & Control Memo Luis A. Campudoni MPM660-0903A-01: Schedule and Cost Control Techniques Dr. Matthew Gonzalez August 4, 2009 The Project Management Team understands the concerns towards project scheduling accuracy, sudden project impacts or changes that might affect the project plan, and that all project goals are fulfilled as required. Based on these concerns we have created this Memo which addresses your concerns and explains how we plan to manage these areas properly to secure the fulfillment and security of each. We want the organization’s higher management to know and understand that the project management team is well prepared and trained to manage situations that fall under the categories of your concerns. The skills and techniques the come equipped with will guaranty success on every process, activity, and phase of the project resulting in a 100% accomplished and successful project delivery. Below you will find detailed information that describes how we will manage each of these concerns. Project Schedule Accuracy Our project development structure depends on the details contained within the Project Schedule which is why we need to assure that the schedule is as accurate as possible at all times, that there are control measurements in place to monitor and manage changes to the schedule and that our project activities, processes, and phases are defined within the schedule and have an estimated time frame for completion as accurate as possible. As we all know projects are susceptible to confront changes which make it difficult sometime for Project Managers to estimate or predict an exact time frame for a particular activity or task. Also, we know how this can be of difficulty especially when we have activities that are dependent upon another in order to be executed. Each of them has their own dependencies and
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