Promote Professional Development

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Unit 502 Promote professional development 1. Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice I feel it is important to continually improve my knowledge to ensure that I am aware of, and follow all the current health and social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice as well as ensuring I follow my company’s policies and procedures. My personal and professional development not only benefits me, but it also benefits the Company, as well as the staff and individuals I support. I like to focus on training that is relevant to the role I am carrying out as it ensures that I am able to be effective in my role. Continual professional development is important for my career as I feel that it increases my employability, and also helps me progress with better prospects and to hopefully gain future promotion. As a senior carer I am responsible for others this includes Staff, service users, visitors that come on site including contractors and other professionals, so it is very important to me that I am knowledgeable and effective in my role. 1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development Potential barriers to continuing professional development could be • Lack of budget from the organisation – an adequate training budget should be in place and agreed each year to keep up to date with on-going and new training courses. • Lack of supportive staff – staff that are only concerned with earning their wage each month without caring about the knowledge and training to care for service users properly. • No time to train – adequate time needs to be set aside for each staff member so that they understand and are confident it what they are learning. • No encouragement from management/senior staff – Management suggesting and encouraging suitable/mandatory training courses

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