Proposal Essay to Increase the Graduation Rates in Country

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Proposal Essay Name University Proposal Essay The graduation rate of any country is defined as the percentage of the students who successfully complete their course of study (, n.d.). The number of students that graduate every year has particularly been a subject of interest for many. This graduation rate determines the effectiveness and efficiency of an institutional organization and it can be perceived that whatever an organization does, is more or less related to the it’s graduation rates. The low graduation rates can be attributed to a number of factors such as the philosophy of the institution, inappropriate preparation of students, inadequate supporting system for the students and inequality in teaching the students. There are many colleges and universities that have tried to improve their graduation rates and have succeeded in doing so (Davis, 2010). Graduation rate of any country is a reflection of far more than what may seem. The number of college students graduating from a college shows an insight to its accountability and transparency. The graduation rates show a great deal about the college itself and a low number of graduating students may indicate an unsatisfactory performance by the college or it may point towards something faulty within the organization (Sealey-Morris, 2015). The constant increment in the wage given to the students in order to increase the college graduation rate has been unsuccessful in tackling the situation and the increased amount of students enrolled in college courses are not directly proportional to the amount of students graduating from these colleges. The most probable reason behind this decrease in the degree attainment rate may be due to the inappropriate balance within the student body or alterations within this student body. Other possible reasons behind the decrease in graduation rate is the

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