Psychoanalytical Theory in the Metamorphasis

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Natalie Batarseh English 10 2-20-13 Mrs. Cuellar Gregor’s Physiological State in The Metamorphosis In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa awakes from a troubling dream finding himself transformed into a “monstrous vermin” (Kafka 7). After his rude awaking, Gregor’s thoughts primarily consist of his job, he says: “what a grueling profession I’ve picked” (Kafka 7). The industrial society he is obligated to exist in is dehumanizing and it ultimately results in his metamorphosis. Gregor’s transformation is merely a physical reflection of his psychological state. He feels alienated, meaningless, and dehumanized. Gregor is not capable of establishing a relationship, he says: “The steady stream of faces never become anything closer than acquaintances” (Kafka 8). Even as a human he feels unable to connect with others. This feeling becomes magnified through his transformation; not only is he emotionally alienated from society, he is also physically isolated in his room. According to Freudian’s theory he displays signs of a core issue referred to as Fear of Intimacy. This issue leads a person to become detached because they have “overpowering feelings that emotional closeness will seriously hurt or destroy them” (Freudian). For example, he does not have any relationships outside of his family, and even when he is at home he remains guarded. Home is where people get comfortable and let their real selves shine. However, Gregor continues “locking the doors at night, even at home” (Kafka 9). This habit of securing the doors at home reveals his psychological state of shutting other people of his life. Gregor appreciates the serenity and peacefulness that his isolation provides. Alienation allows him to create his own essence because he is not looking for meaning through the “three”. “It was obvious that the parents and the sister had stayed awake until
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