Ptll Level 3

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Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with learners, which underpin behavior and respect others. Ground rules are set of rules which are set to govern the interactions and expected behaviors of learners in order to promote an effective learning environment. The different ways to establish ground rule are:- • Tutor setting ground rules where learners are given a list of set rules which are not discussed but they are to be adhered to. This approach is restrictive and tutor runs the risk of having to constantly spend time reinforcing them. • Learners setting ground rules which are less restrictive, more inclusive and more likely to be successful as it allow learners to take ownership and they are more likely to keep them. However, there is the possibility that these rules might contravene an organisation or institution guidelines which may be contrary to a learning environment. • Tutor and learners working together to establish ground rules which are agreeable to everyone. Learners are encouraged to contribute their own ideas which are negotiated and agreed upon by both the tutor and learners so each individual can take responsibility for their own actions. This process is more inclusive for learners of all abilities. In addition when discussing ground rules with learners it is important for the tutor to establish their own rules which reflect their commitment to the teaching and learning relationship. However some ground rules cannot be negotiated it is the responsibility of the tutor to make sure they are understood. Health and safety, is one example of this. Also boundaries need to be set on a mutual agreement, but they need to be flexible and can be reviewed at all times. Group discussion ensures that all individual learners are heard and included. Within my own set of ground rules, I would ensure that I am fully prepared
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