Punnett Squares Essay

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1.What is the Law of Segregation? The Law of Segregation is members of a pair of homologous chromosomes separate during the formation of gametes. 2. What is the Law of Independent Assortment? The Law of Independent Assortment is each member of a pair of homologous chromosomes separated by itself. From the first link: 3. Which Law, Segregation or Assortment, was most important in designing single-trait Punnett Squares? How is that rule demonstrated in setting up a Punnett Square? Law Of Segregation was most important in designing single-trait Punnett Squares. The punnett square keeps track of the segregation of alleles. 4. What is a cross shown between two different traits called (a diploid genotype would be four letters long)? Monohybrid is one trait and dihybrid is two traits. 5. What are the normal ratios for each possible phenotype in a two-trait cross? 9:3:3:1 From the second link:…show more content…
How do dihybrid crosses demonstrate the Law of Independent Assortment? Show what gametes would be and you have to sort them. 7. What is gene linkage? Write a sentence or two to describe it. When 2 genes are in one chromosome. 8. How does gene linkage impact the ratios that are expected during dihybrid crosses? If the are hooked together they will stay together. 9. How is gene linkage an exception to independent assortment? From the third link: 10. What does a pedigree look like? A pedigree is technically a family tree. 11. What are pedigrees used for? The are use to show who was in your family and if someone in your family had a disease. 12. How can you tell the difference between a recessive pedigree and a dominant pedigree? (Hint: Look at the parents of an affected person!) 13. Can a pedigree show sex-linked traits? Why or why

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