Qin Dynasty Research Paper

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Richie Koontz Dr. Obernuefemann History 135 9/18/2014 Emperors and Philosphers When we talk about now a days China we have to bring up the Qin dynasty. We talk about the nagatives mainly, but lets look for the what really lead to the rise of Qin dynasty. One main reason for the rise of this dynasty is politics. Politics took a big role in the rise and fall of the Qin dynasty(pg.126). In 221 bc the large states of China were fighting to gain control over the entire area during the period of the Warring States. (pg.126) The Qin dynasty was the only state that managed conquering the other warring states, unifying China for the first time(study guide). At that time howerver the Qin dynasty was a powerful state, mainly due to its powerful…show more content…
The rise of Rome was not because of emperors or armies like China was but more however, because it was accompanied by many other territiories of wealth.(pg.149) The most common areas were of the Mediterranean world, which had previously been in the east, in Egypt, and Greece. The rise of Rome was contributed to the shift westward in economic and political power. (pg. 154) After the rise of Julius Caesar the whole Mediterranean world became under roman legeslation.(pg.154) One of the most profound leaders under Julius Caesar, Marcus Cicero a philosopher who oppossed tyranny and political corruption.(pg.154) Cicero believed that monarchy, aristocracy and Democracy were the three principles of construction to a good government.(pg.155) Rome was more based on a legeslative attack, romans in the old days are more recollected for having great knowledge of the world we live in today. One of the most influential people in Rome was Marcus Cicero, a great philopsoper as we say and exam most of his work today we see a story of a honored and respected man as well as loyal, but his loyalty would prove to be his greatest downfall and which would lead to his exicution. (pg. 149) Rome was built of lawyers, judges, and philosophers. (pg. 149) The romans were more practical thinkers and philosophers. (pg. 149). Medicine and agricutlture was left up to more philospophers such as Cicero. (pg. 153) Now a days we live in a world with higher…show more content…
In Rome and China their administrative techniques used, you can see when looking at the emperors and legislative bodies they had, that in China, the emperors where given the right to rule by the “Mandate of Heaven”(study guide)(pg.130) which made all populous of the empire obey the ruler with out much question, giving him the same obedience that children gave their fathers. (pg.131) In contrast, Roman Consuls were placed into power by either their family right or by appointment of the previous Consul.(pg.149) Conflict grew between those who were appointed by the previous Consul and with those who had the family right making choosing the next emperor very tricky and often caused chaos in the government until things could be resolved.(pg.154) The regions of China and Imperial Rome are similar in the way of the use of bureaucracy,(ch.4) but different through the use of belief systems and in the role of the emperor. Both the empire of Han China and Imperial Rome used a bureaucracy as the form of political control. (study guide) Bureaucracy is the delegation of power in government.(pg.127) In both China and Rome there was the emperor. Then the emperor would assign different people to take care of things that he couldn’t do himself like collecting taxes.(study guide) This
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