Rdquo Cultural Identity

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“HAPPINESS COMES FROM OUTSIDE AND WITHIN” Within this essay I will be attempting to explain the above statement which is attributed to Richard Layard by Spors et al (2007). Happiness can be quite difficult to quantify as it is very subjective. Spoors et al define happiness as a positive feeling covering a range of emotions from joy to contentment. Within the context of the essay title “outside” is a reference to our social identities. I will be looking at the ways in which the roles that we play, the impact of groups which we belong to and our cultural identity can impact on us positively. “Within” is a reference to internal factors such as our brains and the way in which we think. I will be examining…show more content…
The way that we think can make a situation appear negative or positive. As stated by Spoors et al two people in exactly the same situation can view the same situation entirely different depending on whether they have a positive optimistic outlook on life or a negative pessimistic outlook. Cognitive Therapy, a form of therapy which aims to replace negative or distorted thought with more positive and rational ones, by developing strategies to actively promote more positive thinking has proved to be effective in many cases of depression and anxiety. By replacing negative thoughts with more positive thoughts encourages more positivity and can often assist in reversing a downward spiral of negative thinking and result in a more positive and pleasant outcome. In a study conducted by Martin Seligman cited by Spoors et al, Seligman found that happiness levels increased in participants in the study when they were encouraged to focus on more positive things that had happened in their past, and to reflect on their own personal strengths and to write a daily list of things that had gone well and the reasons why. Seligman found that making a deliberate attempt to focus on some of the good things in life can have a major positive impact on levels of…show more content…
The biggest single factor which he feels contributes to happiness is family and other close relationships. Having good personal relationships with people who are important to us is a very significant contributor to happiness and general well being. Happy people tend to be distinguished by their rich and satisfying close relationships, rather than their greater levels of wealth. This is supported by Robert Lane’s findings. According to Spoors et al, Lane found that increased economic power did not lead to increased happiness. Once we have enough to meet their basic needs, happiness tends to lie in the quality of our relationships. In addition to having a strong family network, belonging to some kind of community or social group will also contribute to our happiness. We tend to gain self-esteem and a sense of belonging from being part of a group with whom there is a shared identity and common values. Most groups provide social support and depending on the type of group for example religious groups, will also encourage optimistic
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