Reflective Account On Teamwork

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Date: 30/01/2014 Reflective account LM1C- Carmen Miclea ,,Teamwork,, explained on Wikipedia is: ,,work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole,,. In health care, a systematic concept analysis in 2008 concluded teamwork to be ,,a dynamic process involving two or more healthcare professionals with complementary backgrounds and skills, sharing common health goals and exercising concerted physical and mental effort in assessing, planning or evaluating patient care,,. In my terms ,, Team,, is a group of people who work together to achieve a common purpose, goal. The characteristics of effective teamwork are: sense of purpose; competency; cooperative spirit; playing…show more content…
For example, if a team is assigned the task of development of an expense budget, but one or more of the members has little or no budgeting experience, the whole team will suffer as result. A successful team contains a spirit of cooperation. Successful teams have strong leaders (managers) who are able to keep everybody on the same page and maintaining ,,gossiping,, and conflict to a minimum. A successful team also have a set of rules and policies, that determines its operating procedures. The rules and policies help to keep the team on track, and eliminate ambiguities. In order for a team to act as expected of them, everyone must be participating in the creation of a solution. Each member of staff is essential to the team’s success and when a task is given, each member is expected to know their job and sets out to put their fair share of the effort. A feeling of open communication should be between all staff members to enable them to communicate effectively. Staff should not talk behind each other’s back as respect should be developed among team members that necessitates direct and open communication on all issues that might…show more content…
It also has the disadvantage that employees become dependant on their leader. Persuasive management style involves the manager sharing some characteristics with that of an autocratic manager. The most important aspect of a persuasive manager is that they maintain control over the entire decision making process. The most prominent difference here is that the persuasive manager will spend more time working with their subordinates in order to try to convince them of the benefits of the decisions they have made. A persuasive manager is more aware of the employees but it would be incorrect to say that the style of management is more inclusive of employees. The disadvantages of the persuasive management style are that there may not be enough or even an entire lack of support from employees for management. As the employees will have no input into the decision making process, they also may not trust the decisions that are made. A system that has no input from employees will not have the advantage of the ideas of the people who are working on the ,,front line’’ and as a result employees will show no initiative, which can reduce

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