Research Paper Compairing Hamlet to Things They Carried

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To kill or not to Kill, Inaction in “Hamlet” and “The Things They Carried” leads to tragedy In Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Tim Obrien’s “The things they carried” there is a common theme of inaction and acting in both; Hamlet and Lieutenant Cross are just acting out the daily routine resulting in indecision, which leads only to tragedy. Both men are trying to escape from a reality that does not co-exist with their own thought process; resulting in a sense of insanity. The story of Hamlet involves the murder of Hamlet, King of Denmark, by his brother Claudius, who then assumes the throne and marries his brother's widow, Queen Gertrude. Young Hamlet is visited by his father's ghost, who demands that his son avenge his murder. In order to prevent Hamlet from revealing the truth about the old King's death, Claudius tries to have Hamlet killed. The result of all this craziness is that all three, Claudius, Gertrude, and Hamlet are poisoned and the Danish throne is taken over by Fortinbras, the ruler of Norway. In the first act of “Hamlet” we can clearly see where reality does not co-exist with the thoughts of Horatio when he first encounters the ghost. “Horatio: Before my god, I might not this believe without the sensible and true avouch of mine own eyes” (1547). After several attempts to communicate with the ghost fails, Horatio decides that they must inform hamlet. They are sure the ghost will speak to him. “Let us impart what we have seen to-night unto young hamlet; for, upon my life, this spirit dumb to us, will speak to him” (1550). Horatio and Marcellus leave to find Hamlet. Meanwhile Claudius has been crowned the new king of Denmark. Claudius is Hamlet’s uncle, brother to the recently deceased king. Not only has Claudius taken over as king but he has also taken the Kings widow Gertrude as his wife. We watch their marriage celebration. Hamlet is in

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