Role of a Manager Within the Functional Areas of Business

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Role of a Manager within the Functional Areas of Business MGT/521 2013 Roles of a Manager within the Functional Areas of Business The functional areas of business are management are strategic planning, marketing, research and statistics, operations management, finance, economics, accounting, leadership, human resource management, law and management. All the functional areas of business are equally important to the success of an organization. Completing the Master of Business in Administration degree program will help individuals grow as leaders in a management role in any of the functional areas of business within an organization. Business activities or functions must be performed efficiently so objectives and goals are reached allowing the different areas to be responsible for specific goals in each functional area. Some companies generate their organizational structures based on the functional areas of business, creating different departments once the business has been properly established and taken on a reasonable number of employees (Riley, 2012). Organizations employ managers who are the head of a functional area or department and have responsibilities depending on the needs of the organization. The management function bears significant amounts of responsibility and accountability for which a manager has authority in the organization. The role of the manager is to plan, organize, direct, monitor and evaluate success in all functional areas of management. The role of the manager is crucial to any organization because people need guidance and leadership to help accomplish goals. Human Resources Manager focuses on attracting new candidates for employment, making sure employees are properly trained and keeping up with any education needed, retention, benefits, incentives, and helping department managers handle any discipline issues. As

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