Romeo And Juliet Critical Lens Analysis

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Critical Lens Love is irrational, love is oblivious, love is stupid and unknowing. People make uncharacteristic, unrealistic, and odd decisions when trapped in the cloudiness of love. They see only what they want to, that is why couples in love are commonly told to be blind. Geoffrey Chaucer once said “Love is Blind.” This quote explains how lovers do not think dearly and do absolutely stupid things when their love between one another, takes over. This unknowingness and unrealistic-ness is shown many times in different texts, including the romantic tragedy play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, and the short story “Scarlet Ibis,” by James Hurst. In both stories the literary elements that are used in the texts consists of, conflict…show more content…
During this story, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are both children that have been born into strong tensions between each family. When the two meet for the first time, they believed to have just fell in love with each other at first sight. When this happens, they have no idea that their families are in complete hatred of one another. So when Juliet is exposed that Romeo is a Montague, she then realizes their love is unconventional and she knows it has to remain a secret. Romeo and Juliet then continue to have secret meetings, until they are then caught and both families then come to realization that their children have been going behind their backs to see the child from their most hated enemies. Romeo and Juliet then try to persuade their families to believe that they are uncontrollably in love with one another. Being the stubborn adults that they are, both families did not agree and no longer allowed them to meet each other. When doing this, it stirs up more tension between the families when Romeo kills Tybalt; a member of the Capulet household. The Capulet’s exiled Romeo from the city and was forced to leave and never come back. After this dispute, the Capulet’s and the Montague’s tried to seek revenge. The Capulet, Montague controversy, was one type of conflict in this story. By seeking revenge on the opposing family, and not allowing…show more content…
The coffin symbolized the apparent death of Doodle soon to come in the story. Everyone knew he was not going to live a long, fruitful life. This foreshadowed his soon death in the story. Foreshadowing was also showed in the story when the Scarlet Ibis came. The bird was a symbol for Doodle himself. The bird traveled a long was away from his home; which was an awkward and not proportional shape. In conclusion of the story, Doodle also layed on the ground with his neck deathly set backwards. Both Doodle and the bird were red. All these observations are similarities between the two which shows that the Scarlet Ibis’ death foreshadowed Doodle’s death. Doodle and his brother; Brother, had a very close relationship. Doodle loved his brother which blinded him of his physical limitations. Another example from “The Scarlet Ibis” connecting to the quote by Geoffrey Chaucer, is when Brother pushes Doodle. Brother meant no harm by the mental forces he used to push Doodle. Brother loved Doodle so all he intended to happen, was for Doodle to
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