Rubbish at Adultery

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Rubbish at Adultery The title of the poem “Rubbish at Adultery” written by Sophie Hannah sets a straight forward tone that person involved in the adultery is ‘rubbish’ in his act. Hannah uses manifold structure, tone and language to paint humorous picture of an unfaithful relationship. The poem commences with the persona being irritated by the man who has come to have physical relationship with her. ‘Must I give up another night,’ suggests although they made several attempts earlier to have affair, nevertheless, the man has not extended his co-operation and wanted her to listen to his grievances every time they met. This idea is reinforced through the alliterated words ‘whinge and wine’. She scorns him by addressing with the words ‘grim’ and ‘swine’. The first stanza culminates with the expression of his ‘loyalty’ towards his wife and children, which prevents him from having the affair. Sophie makes a parody of ‘loyalty’ by making us reflect on the fact, how can a person be loyal when he has made up his mind to commit adultery. There is a caesura used with the word ‘fine’, to bring an appreciation on the man by the persona for his commitment towards his wife and children. The beginning of the second stanza is linked with the last line of the first stanza. She has never asked him to abandon his wife and children for her sake, instead, she would satisfy herself with the simple gesture of affection, kiss. She is convinced on the fact that he would not indulge into having affair, just like the previous times. However, she persuades him through the words ‘couldn’t you…out of this?’ to forget about his family for an hour and commit his time entirely for her as long as he is with her. The poet again elicits the commitment he has for his family at the end of the stanza. She explains that he could not forget them not even for ten minutes. Sophie again brings out the
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