Schizophrenia And Lifespan Development Research Paper

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Schizophrenia and Psychosis, and Lifespan Development Kris Patch University of Phoenix Psy/410 Facilitator- Maria Neely, MA,M.Ed June 6, 2011 Schizophrenia and Psychosis, and Lifespan Development The onset and first diagnosis of many disorders are developmentally and age specific. The DSM-IV-TR categorizes disorders that are usually first diagnosed during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Some of the first diagnosed in early adulthood are Psychological stress, Schizophrenia and Psychosis, Delirium and other cognitive disorders. (BehaveNet clinical capsule, 1996-2010). Even though many of these disorders can be seen at all stages of life, the prevalence of these disorders during certain developmental periods in a person’s life…show more content…
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that is of a very severe and alters the way a person thinks and acts. They tend to perceive reality different than most people. Schizophrenia is seen in all cultures, genders and races. The first signs of schizophrenia are irrational or dangerous behavior, deviant behavior, emotional distress, and significant impairment in functioning (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Nevertheless, these disorders are not always characterized disorders that begin during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Unless there is need to seek help infants, children and adolescents would not normally be diagnosed. Another thing is- there is no clear line where fantasy ends and delusions begin with a child. Lifespan Development The process begins at infancy, as the fetus emerges from a one-celled organism to a full-term infant. As the genetic program within the cells of the body unfolds, important characteristics emerge that will set the stage for the newborn baby's emergence into the world. At the same time, the world around the developing child exerts its influence on growth, and, at critical points, can alter the way these genetic characteristics are expressed. Our exploration begins where this process culminates, at birth, where who we are and will ultimately become is a life-long endeavor. Psychological Stress and Physical…show more content…
If you are sick, you are unable to do things you normally can do and this may cause you to experience a feeling of frustration. Likewise, prolonged psychological stress can cause physical changes in our body like chronic muscle tension, which in turn can lead to headaches or other physical problems. Under the influence of prolonged psychological stress, these physical effects may continue for a sustained period of time causing imbalance of functioning in the body that in turn can lower your body's natural defenses and make you more vulnerable to disease. Sometimes, it is difficult to sort out the underlying causes of behavioral changes. Migraine headaches, other body changes that affect brain function, medications, depression, family problems and other physiological changes may mimic brain damage. Any changes in interpersonal behavior, attention, foresight and an inhibition of appropriate behavior point to the frontal lobes, usually with damage to the olfactory
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