Scout's Understanding Of Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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How did Scout’s understanding of prejudice develop throughout the film? The masterful film ‘to kill a mocking bird’ directed by Robert Mulligan is a story of innocence to experience. The central protagonist Scout Finch initially presents as a naïve ‘six year old’ whose understanding of people and her community is superficial, however her perspective is soon enriched by a myriad of confronting and compelling experiences. Her ‘longest night’ towards realisation and a subtle epiphany is predominantly nurtured by her father Atticus and also a racially fuelled trial that engulfs the town. Scout’s limited knowledge of the intricate nature of those around her is immediately obvious as the film opens on her front porch. Mr Cunningham arrives with…show more content…
Near the beginning of the film where she is just a naïve child who is in fear of Boo, she has heard that he is a ‘A malevolent phantom’ who is ‘chained to the bed’ as well as many other nasty rumours about him. Scout, Dil and Jem often run past his house to tease him. But when gifts start appearing for Boo Scout starts to stop believing that he is a horrible monster but just a nice man. Her most important experience that leads her to an understanding about prejudice and the world was her ‘longest night’ which began as they left the school hall to go home with Scout still in her ham suit. They began to sense that someone was following them. It was Bob Ewell who was following them and then attacked them. What Scout could see through the suit was a representation on how she viewed the world and when Boo came and saved them and her suit came off symbolises how she views the world differently to before. Her friendship with Boo after that moment is an obvious change in her perspective of the world. The film ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ directed by Robert Mulligan shows the change the protagonist Scout Finch has made from an Naïve young girl who knows nothing of the world to the end of the film where her understanding of the nature of the people around her has matured. Through the experiences she had first with
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