Shawn Anchor: Video Analysis

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1) Summarize the “Ted” talk or selected video. Shawn Anchor talked about positive psychology and the way we tend to look at success and happiness backwards. Most people follow a success then happiness formula but after success if the goalposts of success keep changing, it’s hard to find happiness. Instead of assuming that future achievement will bring happiness into our lives, we need to change our frame of mind to be happier and more positive. This happier and more positive way of thinking will contribute considerably to the likelihood that we will actually achieve that success. 2) Identify the assumptions made by the speaker. Shawn says that 75% of job successes are predicted by qualities of a positive attitude: optimism,…show more content…
He really covers the topic well and has done research in numerous countries to cover a broad spectrum of people. 5) State your position or perspective on the topic. I completely agree with everything Shawn had to say. Many people are finding themselves in a space where they are working longer hours, not taking care of themselves, and go back and forth between doing too much and exhaustion. They feel that they do not have time to take care of themselves, so they continue to hesitate between these two spaces. Thanks to research in Positive Psychology, we know that this way of approaching work, does not work as it is backwards. I believe if we can find a way of becoming positive in the present, then our brains work even more successfully, as we’re able to work harder, faster and more intelligent. 6) What are the implications or consequences of the speaker’s conclusions? The only issue I could think of would be people are not sure that this constant focus on happiness is healthy or desirable. Look at our earth, our economy, the state of our citizens, healthcare, corruption. For some people it could be hard to stop thinking about the the bad in the world and mindlessly ignore
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