Shc 21 Essay

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Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young Peoples Settings (SHC 21) Outcome 1 Understand why communication is important in the work setting 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate People communicate for different reasons, emotions, feelings, pain and opinions, etc. Communication may be personal or professional. It is important in social work that information is logged, as it may be called upon in the future for legal reasons. All communication must be confidential. Communication between work colleagues is essential so the continuity of care for the client and staff are aware of needs and any changes of the client. Communication purposes are to communicate basic needs such as warmth, hunger, cold, fear of insecurity and protection from harm if needed. To form relationships with each other. Express our hopes, dreams and aspiration. To have our emotional and love needs met. Reaching our potential and to gain a sense of belonging. Outcome 1.2 Explain How Effective Communication Affects All Aspects of Own Work Communicate using a book for each client. In the book we write where we took the client, what we did, any observations, it is our daily record of tasks and observations. With colleagues it’s normally via text or email and occasionally by telephone. Staff meetings have recently started up again which can only be good to meet and communicate with various members of staff. Good communication is important as it reduces the possible mistakes which can happen. Good communication ensures proper care to clients. I believe it’s important for everyone to work as a team so we all reach the same goals. Outcome 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an Individuals Reaction when communicating with them Communication works 2 ways however we don’t always understand each other. In a face to face conversation or
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