Should Minimum Wage Be Eliminated

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I. Minimum wage should be eliminated a. It increases the cost of human capital b. Deprives students or low skilled workers an opportunity to work c. Hurts small businesses A. Eliminating minimum wage will lower the cost of human capital 1. If there is no minimum amount the company has to pay, it can save some costs that it might otherwise incur. 2. The company can hire more people at a lower income and in fact decrease unemployment 3. B. Deprives students and low skilled workers an opportunity to make an earning (Rector) 1. Minimum wage actually make low-income citizens and students worse off by pricing them out of a job due to their minimal skill sets and resources 2. This…show more content…
Big corporations do not have to absorb the cost of minimum wage increases because most minimum-wage jobs are offered by small businesses b. The minimum wage directly affects small businesses because a large amount of their earnings go directly to pay for operating expenses, such as equipment, supplies, lease or mortgage, credit lines, inventory and employee wages and benefits 2. Serves as a deterrent for new entrepreneurial ventures a. The costs are too high for new businesses to risk starting a new venture b. Does not create a favorable labor market for new businesses II. Minimum wage should not be eliminated (opposing argument) d. Workers need a minimum amount of income from their work to survive and pay the bills. e. Costs more to society A. Workers need a minimum amount to pay for daily expenses 3. If there is no minimum wage, then companies can pay ridiculously low wages to its employees 4. Companies could work together and take advantage of the workforce by forcing them to work for low prices B. Greater costs to society 1. Minimum wage leads to an increase in unemployment and those unemployed people are then a burden on society because the government has to pay for them through welfare

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