Similarities Between Creon And Antigone

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In his play Antigone, Sophocles tells about the actions of Antigone, a princess, who disobeys the civil law in the city of Thebes in order to provide a proper burial for her deceased brother, Polyneices. For this, she is sentenced to death by Creon, her uncle and king of the land. Creon believes that Polyneices did not deserve a proper burial due to the fact he turned on his city and therefore punishes Antigone for her actions. Creon and Antigone both face severe consequences regarding the law they follow, however Antigone is focused on life after death while Creon focuses only on his needs and wants. The main conflict arises when Antigone decides to go against civil law and bury her deceased brother. She justifies her actions when she states that “Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way.” (Pro.35). She remains completely loyal to divine law because she believes that her life will be judged by the gods and her main goal is to please them. Despite civil law, Antigone trusts her…show more content…
Ultimately, her main argument is that “It is the dead, / Not the living, who make the longest demands: / We die forever….” (2.58-60). Antigone relies solely on her beliefs in the divine law and that in the end, when she dies, the gods will be more important than the city in which she lived. Never did she doubt the god’s ways even though it went against civil law and the approval of her sister. In regards to Creon’s ruling on the death of her brother she states, “Which of us can say what the gods hold wicked?” (2.116). Her preference for divine law is shown here as well because she’s implying that Creon has no authority to judge what the gods will end up judging. Antigone’s choice of following divine law over civil law is evident throughout the play because she believes that the gods have lasting authority while Creon has temporary authority on earth only and thus justifies her actions based upon those

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