Sociological Analysis Of Waiting For Superman

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Waiting for Superman Sociology Film: Waiting for Superman The United States of America has the best public education system in the world. In the past 30 years, though politicians constantly stressed the need to improve the disadvantages of clusters of the education system, and the children's education has not change, but it shows worrying prospect. The children who were born in ordinary families have many obstacles in reading and math, and substantially lower than the average level of other developed countries in the world. Many high school became dropout factories, countless children work into society prematurely, also the fund of prisoners is higher than the students. The current public education system in the United States is…show more content…
What do you think are the essential skills that a young person needs to prepare for a full and productive life after high school? In my opinion, students need the basic reading and writing skills as well as some technical skills if they are pursuing a vocational position. However, I also think that students should be equipped with some social sciences such as art, psychology, history, and such so that they can be prepared to understand their position and the history associated with being a member of our modern society. A person’s integrity is determined by their honesty. Another skill is Honesty. Being honest no matter the situation helps in building one’s character. Telling the truth helps to build a person’s character and image with respect to family, friends and workmates. Telling a lie compromises one’s integrity because lies have a negative impact on the character. When one tells a lie no matter how insignificant it is, they lose their integrity because it becomes harder for people to trust them. People usually suffer consequences for being honest but they are more likely to be trusted compared to those who lie. Living by the honesty policy also gives one self confidence. Honest people trust themselves more compared to people who lie. Trust is very important for cultivating respect which is why honest people command greater respect in society compared to dishonest people. People should always be honest in order to create a good public opinion based on their level of

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