Sociological Theories Essay

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Sociology is a social science that seeks to understand complexities of human society. Sociological theories are ideas that seek to explain how society works. There is a wide range of sociological theories in terms of their priorities, perspectives and the data that exist or encompass the endless ways of viewing reality. In order to determine the nature of man, to be outside the knowledge of his experience, ambition, qualifications of values refer to the community in which he grew up and is shaped. The impact on the personality of the individual, it has the characteristics of participation in the life of the community. The variety of contacts, relationships and active participation in the life of the surrounding general give shape to the human personality. There are two types of social structure, macro and micro which allows the individual to notice, whatever man is constantly in contact, which affects the shape of humans’ personality. One of the most important perspectives of sociological theories is the distinction between structural and social action. Structural action, in other words structuralism, is a perspective which is concerned with the overall structure of society and sees individual behavior molded by social institutions like the family, the educations, the mass media and work. The relationship between individual and society in structuralism is referred as a macro approach which is focusing on the large scale structure of society as a whole. For example, the effects of industrialization on older people's status, or how gender and income affect older people's well-being. Functionalism and Marxism are two main varieties of structuralism. Functionalism, is a sociological perspective, which sees society, as made up of parts which work together to maintain society as an integrated whole, like a human body. Society is seen as fundamentally harmonious and
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