"Soldier’s Home”By Ernest Hemingway

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Where is My Home? What would happen if your home is not your ‘home’ anymore? “Soldier’s Home” written by Ernest Hemingway, the protagonist, Krebs, is the soldier in WW I. Krebs comes back home a year after the war, he becomes different person. Krebs seems to lose purpose and interested in normal life. The war change Krebs’s perspective of the place such as his hometown and the person around him. He becomes dull to everything around him. Because he feels like he is living on the pressure, the place that he calls ‘home’ becomes the place that he is not belong to anymore. Krebs also loses the bond of ‘normal relationship’ with people around him. The protagonist, Krebs is starting story with his typical life. After war is over, he does not want to come back to his home. When Krebs comes back, he wants to share the war experience to people in town but no one want to listen to him because the war is already end a year ago and the stories that been told by other soldiers are more exciting, more thrilling. To grab their attention, Krebs has to lie to them to make his story more interesting. In the story, narrator mentions that, “Krebs acquired the nausea in regard to experience that is the result of untruth or exaggeration...” (118). This quote is showing that Krebs feels uncomfortable every time that he lies to the others. He wants to live in the simple life without any complicated. The more he lies is the more trouble that he makes to himself. He knows there is consequence from those lies. “He did not want any consequences,” (119). Krebs recognizes himself as outsider in his hometown. When he saw girls walking around the place that he hanging out, he is automatically comparing them to the French and German girls, “He liked the look of them much better than the French girls or the German girls. But the world they were in was not the world he was in,” (119). Krebs
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