Spoiled Rotten Summary

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The article entitled “Spoiled Rotten,” was written for The New Yorker publication. It described the research of Carolina Izquierdo, an anthropologist at the University of California. The focus of the article was to compare children that functioned independently of their parents with those who did little or nothing for themselves. The researcher spent time with a tribe in South America and described a six-year-old girl that did many things for her tribe although she was not asked to do so. These tasks included cleaning, finding food, and cooking. In contrast, Izquierdo described a study of her colleague, Elinor Ochs, filming middle class families in Los Angeles. The children refused to follow directions, locate items for themselves, and do anything for themselves. Even simple…show more content…
She wants the parents of Los Angeles to see this especially because maybe they will change the way they raise their kids. In this article, she uses simple language such as when she was telling about the different scenarios about the children. When she tells about the little six-year-old girl you start to feel sorry for her but you know what she is talking about and it is easy to follow. Simple language is when you don’t use fancy language when you get emotional. Anger is also used several times throughout this article. Anger is often a rise from a sense of belittlement. You begin to feel anger not only towards the kids for not doing things for themselves but also for their parents for letting their children boss them around. In one case in the paper, Izquierdo told about how a young boy couldn’t get his shoe on to go outside so he told his dad to untie his shoe and his dad untied the shoe. After the boy put the shoe on he told his dad to tie it back. We all know he could have done this on his own but no his dad did it for
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