Spread Of Buddhism Essay

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How did the ideas of Buddhism prevent it from remaining a major religion in India? It was the acceptance of Buddhism that led to its eventual decline. Being a henotheistic religion, Hinduism was fast to take Buddha as one of the many proof of the God of Gods. Buddha became one among the temple of gods of Hindu and is even considered the 9th one among the 10 incarnations of Vishnu. Hindus also accepted Buddhism's demand on nonviolence and vegetarianism. Many among the congregation took part in practices in Buddhist while remaining Hindu. This acceptance goes along with the rebirth of Hinduism under the backing of the kings of the Gupta dynasty(300-500 AD). So,even as Buddhism became popular in China, where it therefore progressed, in India it was included by Hinduism.…show more content…
The earthy life is really an illusion. Buddhism teaches, and when one can forgo the illusion, the they are on the path to reach Enlightenment, and reach nirvana. Hinduism & Buddhism Both religions have similarities and then differences that make them different. These are they both believe in karma, transmigration of souls and the cycle of births and deaths for each soul. They both believe in certain spiritual practices like meditation, concentration, cultivation of certain states of mind. Hindus and Buddhists believe in compassion and non-violence towards all living beings. Also they both are originated in India, and there is a state of no suffering after life. The differences in the two religions are that Hinduism is not founded by an particular prophet,Buddhism is founded by Siddhartha Guatama (The Buddha). Buddhism does not believe in the existence of souls as well in the first cause, who we call God. Hinduism believes in Atman, that is the soul and Brahman, the Supreme Being. Hindus also believe in the 4 ashramas or stages in life. This is not followed in Buddhism. People can join the

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