Statutory Sector Essay

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The statutory sector is something that everyone is entitled to by the government e.g. schools, hospitals, children centres and health visitors. Schools support the children’s families by sending out newsletters to inform them on how their child is doing. They also have parents evening to show how the child has progressed in their work, schools provide after school activities and also before school breakfast clubs if the parents of the children have to be at work before school starts and can eve stay after school if the parents finish work late. Schools are only open for term time only. The children who take part in outdoor activities such as sports receive the daily amount of exercise that is needed to develop their growth in development but can also develop skill such as teamwork, respecting others and coordination. The children who are less active can do creative activities such as arts, crafts and music these activities can get the children to explore their own talents and builds their confidence. Schools follow the National curriculum when planning for the lessons. The learning…show more content…
Julia’s house, brownies and scouts. Brownies is a single sex organisation for females. Brownies go on a lot of trips so they send out newsletters to inform the parents about them, they can gain information from their website. The activities that Brownies provide are camping trips and day out trips that give the children the opportunity to gain skills. The children benefit from attending Brownies is that they would gain life skills that if they didn’t attend then they might not have gotten the opportunity. Parents are involved in Brownies as well as the children as they are invited to the camping trips to gain the skills with their children. They also are allowed to get involved with helping out with the
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