Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life Of Bees

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Over the summer, incoming high school freshmen were required to read Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees. Set in South Carolina in 1964, fourteen year-old Lily Owens lives with her abusive and vulgar father, T. Ray, plagued with the blurred memory of the afternoon her mother, Deborah, died. When Rosaleen, T. Ray’s housekeeper and Lily’s lovable “stand-in mother” (2), gets in deep trouble with the meanest racists in town, consequentially going to jail, Lily busts Rosaleen out, freeing her, and together they run from Sylvan, away from Lily’s mentally and physically violent father and away from Rosaleen’s troubles. She and Rosaleen make their way to Tiburon in hopes to shed light on her mother’s past, guided only by a few of her mother’s

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