Summary Of Octavia Butler's Short Story 'Bloodchild'

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DATE \@ "MMMM d, y" April 20, 2015 Dear Editor, Im writing to express my belief in why the short story “Bloodchild” by Octavia Butler should be published. Butler creates a dystopian society in which humans form together to build a little agency. “Dystopian is the complete opposite of utopian because it describes an imaginary society that is as dehumanizing and unpleasant (”. The humans ( who are referred to as Terran) are detached from earth and placed in this far away world that they have to share with Tlic ( referred to as the aliens) . The science fiction elements play a big role throughout the story because the fact that it is located in a far away world it gives this mystery that keeps you on your toes . The main theme that melts your heart is the way he uses science fiction to bring up the issues of gender roles. Before reading this story you may already have your own opinion about the issue of gender roles relating to childbirth. But the way “Bloodchild” presents childbirth is having a parasite laying eggs in humans. This gives it the edge and uniqueness that may get a little gory but reading this story takes you on a journey you'll never forget. First, Bloodchild opens with the line, “My last night of childhood began with a visit home” (Butler, 1). This expresses how it is an coming of age story. Which is critical because the beginning of the story distinctively explains human themes like coming of age and loss of childhood which can confuse the reader throughout the story . Gradually beginning to uncover the…show more content…
The way the story is shaped with not just the bloody procedures and dystopian society but the message that it upholds of correlating all these different themes into one. I hope you enjoyed getting to know this fascinating short story that takes you on a trip to a far away world and away from earth.
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