Summary: Revision Of NCLB

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Revision of NCLB Felicia Laster EDU623: Introduction to Teaching & Learning (MRA1231B) Instructor: Deborah Naughton August 6, 2012 The NCLB legislation was important in that it was an early bi-partisan success with Congressmen, with Senators from both political parties contributing to its authorship. The NCLB also created new programs that are still in place today, like the Reading First Initiative, which has changed the way many low-income school districts teach and assess students in grades K-3. The main provisions of this legislation stipulate that schools will be classified as successful by 2014. Critics of NCLB take issue with the 13-year time frame. Research by the National Reading Panel conducted in 2008 indicated…show more content…
NCLB set forth a certain criteria to be met, but allowed the states to determine how they would accomplish it. Therefore, each state handles assessment and accountability differently. This makes it hard to show success or failure of the programs. Supporters and critics alike can cite research that supports their opinion. My opinion of NCLB is it is flawed, developmentally inappropriate, ill funded, ←and→ leaving more students, teachers, ←and→ schools behind than ever before because The tests have turned into the objective of classroom instruction rather than the measure of teaching ←and→ learning. Based on my experience, the current implication of NCLB is similar to teaching in a Korean classroom; teachers are teaching the test and the only thing that matters are the test results. Teaching to the test is the number one criticism by teachers and administrators. There is so much pressure on schools to achieve acceptable performance levels that test-taking has become a subject in itself. Everything academic revolves around the year-end state testing to the point that other subjects are usually neglected. Reading, math and writing are the main thrusts of schools, and are obviously important. However, critics state that children are not receiving well-rounded educations because of the emphasis on these subjects…show more content…
The ideal was to establish a set of basic academic standards that all students should achieve, hold the schools accountable for meeting these standards for all students, ←and→ then give educators the choice of how to meet the standards. The way NCLB is currently being administered must be fixed, otherwise we will have both new ←and→ seasoned talented teachers leaving the profession in droves. Although reading ←and→ math tests would remain in the administration's proposal, schools could also include student performance in other subjects as part of overall measurements of progress. Critics say that the current education law has narrowed the curriculum for students:→ Many teachers zero in on math ←and→ reading at the expense of other subjects to help students prepare for the required tests. (Douglas) Students need a well-rounded education," the blueprint declares, and it cites disciplines including history, civics, foreign languages, and the arts.(Douglas) The No Child Left Behind Act has had advocates, with some education leaders expressing support for the law’s stringent accountability mandates, characterizing them as vital levers of change, inclusiveness, and transparency of results. The laws’ ultimate effectiveness, some observers have argued, may depend on how closely states and schools stick to its principles of "tough

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