Support Individuals to Meet Personal Care Needs

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CU2637 Support Individuals to meet personal care needs 1.1 Encourage an individual to communicate their needs, preferences and personal beliefs affecting their personal care I arrived at the service user’s house, removed key from wall key safe and opened the door. I walked over to the service user who was still in bed and addressed her politely and informed her that I was there to support her. I asked the service user if she wanted a body wash and she said yes I would like a body wash. 1.2 Establish the level and type of support and individual needs for personal care Each service user requires different levels of assistance for their personal care. Some service users require me to wash, dry and dress them as well as preparing meals and feeding them, whereas others are able to undress, wash their own hair and bodies then dry and dress themselves with little assistance. 1.3 Agree with the individual how privacy will be maintained through personal care I always ensure that doors are closed where possible or blinds drawn so that other colleagues or service users cannot gain view and curtains are shut so that other passer’s by cannot obtain view and towels or covers are used to hide their genital areas. The service users dignity and privacy should be foremost. 2.1 Support the individual to understand the reasons for hygiene and safety precautions. Some individuals being supported may need to be sensitively reminded about hygiene, it is good practice to explain the reasons for maintaining good hygiene levels, whilst respecting people's differences and attitudes to taking care of themselves. 2.2 Explain how to report concerns about the safety and hygiene of equipment or facilities used for personal care. Uniforms should be clean on each day and washed separately from other laundry. Gloves, aprons and good hand washing techniques should be used when
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