Tda 2.5 Essay

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TDA 2.5 Schools as Organisations 1.1 & 1.2 Main types of schools include community schools, foundation and trust schools, faith schools, academies, grammar schools, special schools, free schools, Independent (private) schools * Community schools are controlled by the local council and have strong links to their local community. * Foundation schools are funded by government but are run by their own governing body and have more freedom to set their own agenda. Their governing body generally owns the school buildings and land. A trust school works in the same way, but will form a charitable trust with a partner eg a business. * Faith schools are like other state schools except that they don’t have to follow the national curriculum when it comes to religious studies. They can also set their own admissions and staffing policies, for example only accepting the children of regular church-goers. * Academies are independent although publicly funded. They have to abide by the same rules relating to admissions; exclusions etc as other state schools, but can set their own term dates and don’t have to follow the national curriculum. The academy trust, which runs the school, employs the staff. Some academies are sponsored by business, other schools or faith groups. * Grammar schools are selective state schools with pupils usually having to pass an exam to get in. * Special schools are for children who have special educational needs which could be physical, communication, learning or behaviour * Free schools are funded by government but don’t have to follow the national curriculum, can set their own staff pay and conditions and can choose their own term dates and school hours. They are not allowed to be academically selective. Free schools can be set up, on a non-profit basis, by charities, parent groups, businesses or other such groups. *
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