Tell Tale Heart Analysis

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“Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe There are crazy people in this world and then there are outright lunatics, that's where Poe enters the scene. In Edgar Allan Poe's story, “Tell Tale Heart”, a man explains how he murders another man for no real reason, and still believes he is sane. To begin, this shady story is about a man describing of how he kills this old man. He explains of how he loves the old man, but the old man’s eye was similar to a "vulture-a pale blue eye, with a film over it." Throughout the story he explains how he isn't insane, and how his disease only "sharpened" his senses. In the "Tell-Tale Heart", Edgar Allan Poe uses irony, imagery, and symbolism to show how sick the mind of the narrator truly is. Edgar Allan Poe uses irony throughout the story because he constantly confesses how sane he is. This is ironic because as he describes his actions and motives for the murder, he is only unveiling his insanity. The narrator attempts to reassure his audience he is of sound mind. For example, the narrator says “If still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body.” Another irony in the story is that the narrator refers to how he loves the old man and was never so kind to him as he was right before the murder. This is ironic because he loves the old man by the systematically plans to murder him. Poe uses imagery throughout the story by referencing the clock and time as a way to describe how slowly he moved. The narrator says “A watches minute hand moves more quickly than did mine”, the narrator sees himself as a clock, counting down the old man’s
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