The American Way of Eating

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Chris C. Essay #1: Eating Practices Analysis From the day we are born, human beings commence a learning process that will continue for the duration of our lives. Our species has a remarkable ability to learn and actively interact and adapt to our environments in an effort to increase the quality of our lives. Yet it is astonishing that we can consistently eat foods that poison the machine that is our body all while exhausting the worlds ability to sustain our species. I grew up in an average middle class household with optimistic parents who always reminded me that I had the choice to become anything I could ever dream of if I worked hard enough to attain that dream. Looking back now it is easier to see that life is all about a search for self-discovery. Look in the mirror and ask yourself the question, what do you see? Realizing that I had the sole power to change the answer to that question has allowed me the ability to conquer many obstacles in all aspects off my life including controlling my eating habits and practices. What, where, and how much I eat reveals who I am as a human being and the values that define me. I take great pride in going against the cultural eating patterns that have negatively impacted billons of people on this earth. The fate of individual people and the fate of humanity have been intertwined more than ever because of the negative eating practices that a great majority of humans participate in. The expression “you are what you eat” could not be any closer to the truth. Length and quality of life are directly proportional to the eating patterns that humans practice. I cannot fathom disrespecting my body by torturing it with excess meat, junk food and dairy products. As Wendell Berry stressed in his essay The Pleasures of Eating, food production has become industrialized to the point where convenience is now being sold

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