The Crusades Success

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The Crusades A Partial Success The main goal of the Crusades was to create a long-lived kingdom in the Holy Land. But even though they failed in fulfilling there main goal the Crusades contributed profoundly to the political and economical development of Western Europe, laying the groundwork for the achievements of the Renaissance. Yet these very developments in the West, for which the Crusades were responsible, crippled the Crusade movement in the thirteenth century. In 1095, the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus sent a cry for aid against the Turks to Pope Urban II, whose response far exceeded the Byzantine Emperor’s hopes. When the Pope urged the people to consider the call to free Jerusalem from the Muslims, he spoke to them in their native french, so that there might be no misunderstanding the situation. He told the crowd that it was not he, but the Lord, who encouraged them to become…show more content…
This is exactly what happened after the Crusades and split of the Roman Catholic church. A rebirth of ideas was their outcome. The most drastic change took place in art. Such people as Giotto, Tommaso Masaccio, and Filippo Brunelleschi created new perspectives. With these new perspectives came a new age of art within the Renaissance. Many new painters learned about using shades of light and dark to create the illusion of depth, along with new techniques to make paintings more realistic. The Renaissance was truly the rebirth of lost ideas along with the birth of new ideas. The split of the church and the eight crusades to recapture Jerusalem are two of the many reasons for the birth of the Renaissance, yet both are important to the birth of the Renaissance. Without the Crusades, which brought back lost works from the Roman empire and opened trade with the far east, and the split of the Roman catholic church, which brought about the reformation of the church, there wouldn’t have been enough of a basis for the Renaissance to
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