The Detrimental Effects of Divorce on Children

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The Detrimental Effects Of Divorce On Children Although divorce can have positive effects on children such as leaving a dangerous or abusive environment, sometimes it is the negative effects of this process which take their toll on children's lives. There are problems before a divorce, during a divorce, and after a divorce; all of which are detrimental to children. Parents can alleviate these effects by becoming positively involved in their children's lives while keeping a neutral relationship with the other parent during all stages of a divorce. Children suffer from parental problems before a divorce, parental conflict and hostility, and economic hardship after a divorce. These are just three of many factors which can negatively affect children caught in between the divorce of two parents. The parental problems before a divorce have tremendous damaging power in children's lives. This is because divorce typically “crystallizes rather than creates long-standing family problems.”(Marriages and Families...p.476 Furstengber,Taitler) This means the problems in the family are made clear and have been occurring for the majority of the marriage. Parents in predivorce families are less involved in their children's education. (Sun,2001) This could be because the parents are so stressed out with the marital problems leading to their divorce that they neglect the academic needs of their children such as helping with homework and supporting their self confidence. “Often it is not the divorce itself but parental attitudes during and after the divorce that affect children's behavior and perceptions about family life.”p.476(Amato and Afifi,2006). Parental conflict and hostility play a major roles in how children are affected during and after a divorce. “...divorces that dissolve low-conflict marriages may have negative effects on children”(p.476 Amato and

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