The Effects of Felony Convictions

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The Effects of Felony Convictions RaShawnda Anderson Kaplan University The Effects of Felony Convictions The effects of felony convictions are a very hot topic in America. This is because there are many Americans that commit crimes and are punished yet still deal with the effects for years to come. Felons are a part of society and should be treated as such especially if they are reformed. A person can commit a crime that results in a felony and twenty years later still suffer the harsh reality of certain privileges being taken away. Yes, an individual should be punished for their crimes but the effects of a felony conviction should not include or affect that person’s right to vote, finding employment, or the pursuance of a higher education. According to Olivares, Burton, and Cullen (1996) upon release these offenders also deal with stigmas, loss of job opportunities, friendships, family relationships, and denial of civil rights. When it comes to the loss of job opportunities, a recent study has shown that most employers have hired at least one person with a felony conviction (Sawnson, Langfitt-Reese & Bond, 2012). Employers encourage job seekers with criminal records to be honest and willing to discuss their involvement with the justice system. Most employers did not have strict policies concerning hiring criminals and this is a plus. Convicted job seekers should follow standard job hunting techniques, but also be creative such as finding dependable references and making face-to-face contact. This should help the employer get a good idea of how the job seeker is trying to move forward and change their lives. Temporary job services often offer felons jobs and this could help them get the experience they need and references to re-enter the regular job market. There are day labor
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