The Ethics Behind the Bp Oil Spill

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The 2010 BP Oil Spill The article I chose to write about is “BP Shortcuts Led o Gulf Oil Spill, Report Says” and it goes into detail about the mistakes made by BP’s management that caused the disastrous spill. I have included the article as well as the link to it at the end of this report. The cause of the spill was a failure of the cement base at the bottom of the ocean that was supposed to contain the oil within the well. After numerous investigations it has been shown that it was “the result of poor risk management, last-minute changes to plans, failure to observe and respond to critical indicators, inadequate well control response and insufficient emergency bridge response training by companies and individuals responsible for drilling.” Essentially the company was under time and money constraints that led to the management of BP taking shortcuts on the construction and operation of the well. It also said that the company that owned the drilling rig as well as the other company that was responsible for the cementing operations shared blame for the spill but BP is the main company liable. I find this article interesting because BP, as an oil company, is faced with many strict government rules and regulations to stop this sort of disaster yet BP seemed to almost ignore them in order to save money and time. By not properly conducting safety training with their employees BP was setting them up for failure. They also changed plans last minute, which would not allow them to fully assess the soundness of the new plans. To me this just seems like poor business practice considering they knew full well a spill would result in a dramatic decrease in the company’s public standing as well as value. The business ethics involved in this case have to do with both environmental issues as well as issues with regulations that were broken. With the green initiative gaining

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