The Germans Were Sticking to a Prior Plan Known as the Shlieffen Plan. Which Involved Germany Going to War with France and Russia. in the Plan, German Was to Use Two Arms of Their Army in Order to Trap the French Forces.

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Essay: “Both poems present s narrator in love. However both men perceive and respond to it differently. “ In John Clare’s and Robert Browning’s love poem, a narrator is presented in love. One poem is about a man who presents love as a pain and the other is about a man profoundly in love, who’s creating pain to the one he loves. The narrators experience the feeling of love in their own manner, besides, one of them never experienced this feeling before. Both poems express deep but different opinion about women. In both of the poems the women are active, except that in one poem the women ends up “lifeless” being killed. John Clare starts by describing the love of his life – “Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower”. In addition to Robert Browning which start by describing the “horrible” weather – “The rain set early in tonight”. If we just read the first paragraph, we can realize that those two poems are about different “types” of love. The first thing that the poems have in common is that they are both about love, as we can see in each title. Both narrators are passive. Though in “Phorphyria’s Lover” the narrator is passive just at first “And called me. When no voice replied”. But in “First Love” the narrator is passive the whole time “I ne’er was struck before that hour”. The second thing the poems have in common is that both describe the love of their life - F.L. “Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower”; P.L. “When glided in Phorphyria; straight”. “First Love” is about a man who feels affection for a woman which doesn’t feel the same thing for him - “Not love appeals to know”. The narrator is very shy and loves for the first time as when can see: “My legs refused to walk away And when she looked what could I ail?” “Phorphyria’s Lover” is about a woman named

More about The Germans Were Sticking to a Prior Plan Known as the Shlieffen Plan. Which Involved Germany Going to War with France and Russia. in the Plan, German Was to Use Two Arms of Their Army in Order to Trap the French Forces.

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