The Glass Ceiling Essay

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Esther Oh Mr young US history / p2 10 april 2012 ch 47 the NFWA merged with another group to become the United farm workers author Betty Friedan exposed the unhappiness of many middle-class women in her bookThe Feminine Mystique. In 1965, they made only about 60 cents for every dollar men earned. Even women in higher positions were paid less than male colleagues The invisible barrier to women’s professional advancement has been called the glass ceiling. This term has also been applied to minorities. The first, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, outlawed “wage differentials based on sex” in industries that produced goods for commerce. The second law, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, also prohibited discrimination based…show more content…
They coined the term sexism to describe oppression of women in the workplace and home. They used the term woman's liberation to describe their goal. Feminism, the movement for women’s…show more content…
Some also believed it would lead to requiring women to serve in the military. As a result, the ERA failed to achieve ratification by the 1982 deadline set by Congress, falling 3 states short of the required 38 states. Education increased master's deg Roe v. Wade that the “right of privacy . . . is broad enough to encompass a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.” In 1967, Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales published a poem called “Yo Soy Joaquin” (“I Am Joaquin”). The poem describes the difficulty of retaining a Mexican identity while living in American society. Cesar Chavez, a farmworker born in Arizona, was one of the principal leaders of this effort to improve the lives of migrant workers. The strike, or “La Huelga,” lasted five years la raza unida political party To fight for their rights, Indian activists formed the (AIM) Indian Civil Rights Act. This law was designed to ensure equality for American Indians. Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. The law provided more federal money for Indian

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