The Great Gatsby Struggles

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Kavya Sundar Mr. Hakim American Literature 29 May 2013 The American Dream is the supreme goal for all people who desire for great successes. However, this life long dream sends no achievement for those who strive for it. Eventually, the determination to reach that final goal is an everlasting struggle, as the mind seeks more desires to secure happiness. The novel portrays a romantic story in a society where the American Dream is declining. The witness in this relationship is man named Nick Carraway who meets his cousin, Daisy at East Egg. Alarmingly, Daisy begins an affair with Gatsby which Nick meets at a party. As this seemingly odd friendship between Gatsby and Nick, Nick realizes what Gatsby truly desires for in the American Dream.…show more content…
Like most people who reside from the East Egg, Daisy’s sophisticated nature imitates the exquisite taste of an ordinary rich person with her, “cheerful red-and-white Georgian Colonia mansion” a comfortable mood for Nick Carraway as he illustrates the life of the Buchanans (6). Moreover, the Buchanan family epitomizes the poised white house and the flavorful dresses that both Daisy and Jordan wear, which is what the graceful East Eggers personify as the old rich people who affiliate money from their family. Thus “it [Daisy] increased her value” as being the people who posses the old money, derived from the people living in the past as a social clot (76). The Buchanans prove themselves to be merciless people who are inconsiderate to others due to laziness and prejudice easing their way through life with the money they hold. Nick notes them as “careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness” (179). Nevertheless, Daisy constantly intends on fleeing the situation. Daisy eases her mind by lavishly utilizing money preventing herself to move on in the American Dream, or in other words, holding on to her selfish, rich…show more content…
Essentially residing from East Egg, Nick is a very passive man who perceives a lot of both West and East Egg traditions. His preferences are the same as Daisy’s, rather than buying an extravagant house like Gatsby, Nick remained in a small cottage at the West Egg. He also, details the taste of Gatsby’s rich house as “a factual imitation of some Hôtel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool” revealing Nick’s truth that Gatsby himself seems to be a pain when it comes to riches (5). At the same time, he also comments his house as “a small eyesore”, but a rather appealing and soothing view of nature outside his house (5). His West Egg fortune comes from working as a business man, typical for most West Eggers who earn money through painstaking years of struggle. Oddly enough, Nick is the only character who knows the distinction between East and West Egg. When he goes to Gatsby’s party he “believed they [young men] didn’t –drift coolly out of nowhere and buy a palace” in West Egg rather similar to the wealthy East Egg aristocrats (49). Nick represents all American’s today- a middle class person who generally does not desire for the future true goal in the American Dream, but eventually, stick with what they have. Although Nick grew up as a prosperous East Egger, he prefers to just go along with his ordinary
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