The Highest Tide Book Review

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I think that the book “The Highest Tide” could have had more suspense. I feel like the author should have withheld information. I also feel like problems got solved too quickly. The book was entreating most of the time but at some points it was dull, and stayed dull for a while. To me a very good book is exciting, suspenseful, and funny the whole way through. Some people would say that this book is sexist because of how Miles and Phelps talk to and about girls. But really that’s the way guys are, and when Miles is with Angie he is nothing but nice to her. Miles’s idol is also a girl so that would make no since if he was sexist against girls. I like the friendship between Miles and Phelps because they get closer as the book goes on. I also liked the relationship that Miles and Angie have and how it explains that she used to be his babysitter before he had a crush on her. The fact that Miles’s parents get a divorce and separate during the book is realistic because that happens right now in modern times. What is very memorable about Miles is that he is so smart and friendly to people, even to the Elusions. I think that with the title “The Highest Tide”, and the fact that Florence gave the prediction of the highest tide; it’s predictable. Florence’s prediction doesn’t exactly give everything away but it does make it predictable that the high tide is coming, and that it will be a big part of the book. Some conflicts are between Miles and the guy that comes to get the specimens for the aquarium. Another conflict is when Phelps gets stuck in the sand. I think all events are realistic that happen in this book and nothing is impossible. This book takes place in Puget Sound, and it is very crucial to the story. If it was set anywhere else I don’t think that it would have all fit together in the story. I think its memorable because there is so much description and
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