The Impact of the Ww1 on the Power of the Federal Government

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“This is a war to end all wars”. This quote from Woodrow Wilson showed how he viewed the war, it also gives a view on the amount of effort that would be put in to this was as it was the last one. When the USA joined the war in 1917 the federal government seized an opportunity to increase its powers. With the use of government intervention America began to change politically, socially, and economically. Certain laws were passed to repress the unwanted voices and taxes set to fund the war and government influence, these aspects will be analysed in more depth. Firstly, one aspect the war did to benefit the federal government was economic changes that occurred during the war. America was already a creditor nation. Britain were spending $10 million a day on US goods and on top of that, America had been selling goods to the rest of Europe including Germany. By 1916 Americas trade has risen up to $6 billion. This sudden change of position made New York the new world’s financial capital. This gave power to America because as the war started the government now began to take a roll in directing economic development, with the development of the War Industries Board it allocated raw materials to various industries. It also began to advise companies on they could be more efficient and join bitter rivals to improve productivity. This meant that the government now began to take authority of the economy and thus give more power to the federal government. Furthermore the government began to generate more revenue through government bonds and tax. With the use of propaganda the government received vast sums of finance from the American people, its Liberty Bond drives dominated the financial capital markets. It turned the newly created Federal Reserve System into a powerful engine of monetary inflation to help satisfy the government’s appetite for money and credit even certain
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