The Lymphatic System

442 Words2 Pages
The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessel and lymphatic organs. The lymphatic system has four main functions; lymphatic capillaries absorb excess tissue fluid and return it to the bloodstream. In the small intestines, lymphatic capillaries called lacteals absorb fats in the form of lipoproteins and transport them to the bloodstream. The lymphatic system also is responsible for the production, maintenance and distribution of lymphocytes. It also helps defend the body against pathogens. The lymphatic organs are divided into two groups; the primary and secondary lymphatic organs. The primary lymphatic organs are made up of red bone marrow, which produces all types of blood cells, including all 5 different types of white blood cells. One of the 5 types of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are agranular leukocytes, they have either B cells or T cells. B cells mature in the bone marrow and T cells mature in the thymus, which is located in the thoracic cavity between the trachea and the sternum. B cells basically remove the bad cells in the bone marrow and don’t allow it to enter the circulation. The thymus produces thymic hormones, such as thymosin, which aids in immunity. Immature T cells migrate from the bone marrow through the blood stream to the thymus where they mature. If they show the ability to react with an individual’s cells, they die in the thymus. The secondary lymphatic organs are made up of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic nodes and the spleen. The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ that’s located in the upper left region of the abdominal area and its functions is to filter the blood. Lympho nodes fight infection and attack cancer cells. Some similarities in the lymphatic and cardiovascular system is that both these systems provide fluid homeostasis and they both have the ability to remove waste or not allow bad cells to enter
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