The Pros And Cons Of Universal Health Care

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Many Americans found themselves very uphappy with the recent tax increases in 2013. They received their first check only to find it slightly lower then checks from the year before. There was a large outcry from the working class across America admonishing the current administration for further taxing the working middle class American public. The current administration estimates that universal healthcare will cost the United States over a trillion dollars over the next ten years. Many have safely assumed that this number could double, increasing a deficit on an already financially unstable government. It is pretty certain that the American taxpayers will bear the burden of this financial strain. Current universal health care laws display…show more content…
Many Americans do not realize that to maintain reasonable costs, many Americans insured via the universal health care system could be limted to specific doctors. This would also remove many health care decisions out of the hands of medical professionals and into government officials under pressure to keep costs low. This can affect many medical procedures for Americans as there are still a lot of grey areas on what will and won't be covered. Those opposed to universal health care question whether or not the government will fund procedures that are still consider experimental in…show more content…
As shown by Canada, universal health care can create issues such as immense waiting times and delays for elective surgery. In many cases, Canadians even find themselves being denied care, if they are not delayed instead, sometimes waiting for weeks and even months when faced with non-emergency issues. Patients also find themselves being denied treatments covered by health insurance plans in America. Many say that these issues can easily transfer over to the United States universal health care system. Many American could also expect denial when requesting experimental or unproven medications and procedures that can potentially save their

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