The Pyncheon Curse

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Nick Kasper Long Live the Curse of the Pyncheon Family Throughout the novel The House of the Seven Gables, there are many main themes that contrast and intertwine with each other, but the main and central theme that most excites me is the plot and theme surrounding the Pyncheon curse. The Pyncheon curse is one of greed and evil that is brought on the Pyncheon family and the generations after when Colonel Pyncheon accuses Matthew Maule of being involved in witchcraft in the first chapter The Old Pyncheon Family, and eventually has Matthew Maule hung at the gallows so that he can take his land for himself. The Curse starts off in the very beginning of the book and works down through, which plays key roles…show more content…
The Colonel does this for the sole purpose of stripping Matthew Maule of his land and natural spring so that he can have the land for himself, and build his mansion on it eventually known as "The House of Seven Gables". But before Matthew Maule is executed for his crime he warns the Colonel "That God will give him blood to drink". And at that very moment the curse was placed on the Colonel and all Pyncheon generations soon to come that would make the very same mistake that Colonel Pyncheon had made, which was to let his greed and fortune get the best of him. "The terror and ugliness of Maule's crime, and the wretchedness of his punishment, would darken the freshly plastered walls, and infect them with the scent of an old and melancholy house." (Chapter 1, The Old Pyncheon Family). As we find out later in the first chapter Colonel Pyncheon builds his mansion on the land rightfully owned by the Maule’s, and when he throws his house warming party on the first night he is found dead in his chamber with blood coming from his mouth and all over his beard. This is not a coincidence that the author tried to convene but rather the curse from Matthew Maule on the Colonel and the Pyncheon family coming into effect. Since the Colonel let his greed and fortune get the best of him and took land that was not right for the taking, he…show more content…
We can see that the House of Seven Gables is affect by the Pyncheon curse by the looks of the Pyncheon chickens that live on the grounds of the mansion. It is here that we are told that the Pyncheon chickens that have lived on the grounds of the House of the Seven Gables since it was first built were once fat and thick, and were the resemblance of the Pyncheon family. But we now see and are told that two hundred years later these same descendants of the chickens that were once fat and thick are now very small and stupid and are the resemblance of how the Pyncheon family is now a days. "So wise as well as antique was their aspect, as to give color to the idea, not merely that they were the descendants of a time-honored race, but that they existed, in their individual capacity, ever since the House of the Seven Gables was founded, and were somehow mixed up with its destiny."(Chapter 10, the Pyncheon Garden) This is not only important, but a key fact to show not only how strong this curse really is, but how long it has stayed with the house and the Pyncheon Family. You can see that not only does this curse affect the house and the Pyncheon family, but also the chickens that live in the garden that is supposed to represent the Pyncheon blood

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